KrEatIf NgaN dUiT kErTas

ada akak tu forward email yg best2 kat aku. antaranya ni la dia. so aku pun tengah boring2 ni tapi malas nk menulis, aku pun copy paste aje kandungan email tu untuk kita cuci mata. thanks to akak ngan nick name Sayang Pijan

is the art of paper folding. The goal of this art is to create a representation of an object using geometric folds

and crease patterns preferably without the use of gluing or cutting the paper, and using only one piece of paper.

Park is the master of Origami. He is also called the "money folder", a practitioner of origami whose canvas is the United States One Dollar Bill.

Bending, twisting, and folding, he creates life-like shapes in stunning detail.

One Dollar

One Dollar Butterfly

One Dollar Camera

Two Dollars Battle Tank

Two Dollars Chinese Dragon

One Dollar Crab

One Dollar Dolphin

Two Dollars Jacket

Two Dollars Spider

One Dollar Scorpion

One Dollar Bat

One Dollar Toilet Bowl

One Dollar Penguin

One Dollar Shark

One Dollar Jet

One Dollar Hammer Head Shark


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